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Still more Dementia Stuff... by Dipper

So, for the last few weeks, bobbythornbody and I asked for your help. All the votes you guys gave us were enough to not only keep us in the charts, but to keep us as the top four songs on the chart, and the new song we added last week came in at #5!! We also debuted a new version of Census, with a distinct gay flavor. We want to ask you, once again, to help us out by voting for our songs. Help us stay in the charts!

The Best Of Friends debuted at #5.

Last week, The Ferret National Anthem (2013) was #4. This week, it is #3.

Last week, The Porcupine Song was #3. This week, it is #4.

Filling My Prescription remains at #2.

I'll Lose Weight remained in the #1 spot for the fourth week.

To vote for these songs, go to and login. If you don't have a login, you can either log in with facebook, or register. It's easy and quick. Then go to Since all of the songs are on the Top 20 chart, you simply put a check mark in the box by each of the songs, which are in the #1 to #5 spots.

Then, on the two lists below the Top Twenty, the list on the left should show "Census (Gay Version)" near the top, since the list is in alphabetical order. Simply put a check mark in the box beside the song.

Then, simply go down to the bottom of the page and click the button, "Cast My Votes!"

OH!! And also, please, if you haven't yet, go to and 'Request A Song'. Ask him to play "I'll Lose Weight" by Max DeGroot and "The Best Of Friends" by Fur The Love Of Mic. Be sure to include your email address, otherwise the request does not count towards the Top Ten for the month of April.

Thanks for any and all votes guys. You have no idea what it means to us.

Still more Dementia Stuff...


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