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State of the Suni by Sunitai

Alright, I pretty much went quiet again which is a bad habit of mine..-Bad- Suni! ... There must be punishment.. You know who you are and I'll most definitely enjoy it but that's another matter..

While I did try to make efforts to be more social, I seemed to be in such a dodging crisis mode that I kind of preferred to not try to bother anyone. I invariably get on a sad topic and rant for a while then feel bad that I took so much of someone's time with just venting.

After some review, I found that I was offered multiple opportunities to attend social events/games/etc.. of stuff that would have been incredibly fun for all, but I still found myself politely declining for silly and really stupid reasons.

While I took a few steps to try and reconnect again, I found myself just lurking in chats more than participating. Commonly typing and then deleting my message after I find a way that it may be taken wrongly by possibly anyone in the world. Logic dictates that I'm being way too sensitive and paranoid yet find myself just being reclusive just the same. Social media feels like a minefield.

-Very- bad Suni....

As for my art queue, this is the longest anyone has ever had to wait for commissions from me in suni-history, but the quality has started to go up quickly and I think it's for everyone's benefit . ^.^ The queue is managable and in an effort to be more open you can even see it here:
(Note: Their order doesn't necessarily mean their priority.)

Now my finances have been quite rocky as my previous journals and pleas for help have stated and for quick income I've relied on YCH's to help fill in the gaps in finances. That queue you can see here:

While a lot of work, there's nothing scary about any of it to me at this point and I finally have a proper workspace setup.I'm still streaming 3 times a week on so I haven't dissappeared completely, I just haven't advertised it as much as I should be. Current Stream Schedule is:

Sundays Art School: 6 pm EST
Wednesday Comics: 9 pm EST
Thursday Visual Novels: 9 pm EST

Support of any means would be greatly appreciated in any form at this point of life. ^.^ Options to support me include:

Bidding on YCH's: Follow my twitter for a sponsor at
Just dropping of a one time donation at: FA with shinies or at

I do try to remember every donation and usually take steps to say thank you in my own special way. ^.^


State of the Suni


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