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Thank you! by Dipper

This ends the fourth year of The Beach Bears Story, and I promised myself that once this year's chapters were up that I would thank everyone who has supported it this year. In the first year, 2011, I somehow managed to complete 82 chapters. In the second, 2012, I completed another 30 chapters. In the third, 2013, I went down to 24 chapters. In my fourth year, 2014, It's up to 34 chapters, making this year the second most productive year.

A total of 170 chapters in all, so far. Seriously, I never dreamed I would go over 100 when I first started this project. I have some ideas for next year, but honestly, judging from what doing the chapters took out of me this year, I don't expect to exceed the 200 mark in 2015. Stranger things have happened, however.

This year in particular, though, I decided, with inspiration from :iconbobbythornbody: to tackle a subject that I knew would take a lot out of me, but if done right, would tell one hell of a story. I hope I did not disappoint.

Now, on to the thanks.

First of all, thank you, to those who provided voices for characters this year. I can't do them all myself, and I am grateful for your help. These people include:

A-Log, Jackthecoonbro, Aquasian, yaegashi, holliehyena, selas, lilifox, beartp, thwaitesy, timidgrizzly, ratseye, and david31.

While every chapter ends with a song, I found at least two opportunities to include incidental music in the chapters to enhance the mood. Both of the two composers I used this year have inspired me for many years back. Thank you, foxamoore and composerfox for your inspirational pieces that set the mood perfectly.

In addition, several artists have provided artwork for some of the chapters, occassionally as a surprise, which, frankly, really is a surprise, and I am always grateful that the story inspires artwork. Artists who have made artwork this year are:

backlash / icelancefox

Lastly, there are three people I want to thank individually.

Over a year ago, malcolmthebear asked if he could audition for a part in the story. The audition he gave us, which was pretty much an interpretation of a character for which he wrote the script blew me away, and I made plans right then and there to put him in as that part. After months of patiently waiting, he did not disappoint, with either his reading or his singing. He even wrote an original song, inspired by The Beach Bears. Thank you, Malcolm. I honestly hope some day you get the chance to audition for something greater than The Beach Bears. You have the talent in spades.

In 2011, I created a character which was going to basically be the villain of the story, but as he began to develop, he changed. When pocketducks asked to take the character on, I had him read the lines for Grizz in 2012. He did such a marvelous job, I went back and re-recorded the parts I had voiced for the character before. He then formed a new page just for the character, thestangrizzlyproject in which he could sing songs that he felt would fit the character, and boy, did they ever, often bringing me to tears. Those songs were the inspiration for the chapters that involved him this year. And the chapters Monster, Hurt, Say Something, and You Needed Me, mark what I think to be the most intense scripting and performance yet. Thank you, Stan. This year was an inspiration.

Lastly, I want to thank Bobby Thornbody. He was the inspiration for most of the scripts done this year, writing many of them himself. He provided voices when I needed them, for Tom, Morrison, Roger, and Shilo as well as Bobby, Wally, and Sam. He put up with all the crap I put him through because of my moods, was a sounding board for my ideas, and emotional support when I needed it. He put up with more crap than most people should have to, and while I often criticize him for some of the things he does, he adds more than he takes away. Bobby, I owe you more than I give you credit for. Thank you.

And thank you also, to each and every person who has listened to this story as it unfolded. The feedback I get from doing this makes it all worthwhile. I feel like I have done something which moves, inspires, and entertains. I hope that I can continue to entertain you with this story, as long as I can figure out more developments and music.

Here's to a wonderful year, and more years to come.

Thank you!


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