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Please bear with me by Dipper

I have been negligent in putting out additional chapters of The Beach Bears, and for that I apologize. I will endeavor to finish this arc before Thanksgiving so you are not left hanging. Future arcs, however, must be put on hold.

The reason is simple. I am dealing with a problem with my daughter. She has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and is an alcoholic. She cannot drive herself, and yet still tries to work as a server in a restaurant that my wife is the manager of. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to come pick my daughter up from work before the end of her shift because she was too drunk to continue.

The stress is enormous and is making it very difficult for me to be creative.

I have been trying to convince my daughter to get into rehab to get a handle on it, but she resists, thinking that it won't do any good. In the meantime, my living hell continues.

Some of you are thinking, "Shouldn't you be more discrete about your daughter's life? Shouldn't you respect her privacy?" I'm sorry, but she has lost that privilege when she got arrested for the third time for drunk driving, and now that that probationary period is over, and she continues to drink... she has lost any right to privacy at this point. I need all the help I can get, and letting you all know what I'm going through is part of that help.

Again, sorry if I've been negligent. I will hopefully find a way to get this arc finished soon.

Please bear with me


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    I'm sorry to hear that things with your daughter are not going so smoothly. (I also apologize if that last sentence was an understatement.) I can only imagine what all this must be putting you through as her father. I hope that things work out and that she eventually does come to realize that she has a serious problem and, regardless of whether or not she believes it will work, she accepts that she should get help.