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New Mods and Downtime Notice

Posted by Fiz

Hey all,

First of all we would like to offer our congratulations to the new mods joining us today and everyone that applied. We had more applicants than we could have ever hoped for and were flattered by the number of users willing to volunteer their time to further help the site. There were many worthy applicants, far more than we could accept, but if your application was not accepted this round we would love to see you apply again. For now we will begin training our new moderators and are looking forward to further bringing our staff and users closer together.

As we start another chapter for Weasyl we thought this would be a good time to apply some major work from our tech team as well. There will be some minor downtime planned for February 11th 3am PST in order to apply some improvements which will keep the site operating for a long time. We hope to accomplish our work quickly and keep the inconvenience and interruption to a minimum. In the meantime feel free to visit us on the forums to take part in the community.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.