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Adho Mukha Svanasana by Skamiroth

Adho Mukha Svanasana


This pose looks simple. In fact RL everybody believes this pose it's easy to do but in practice "Beginners often lean too far forward in this posture, making it more like a plank" (according to And I'm QUITE sure that I'm doing something wrong here. However the main reason of making her doing these poses it's to test her rig and fix as many things along the way as I can. I enjoy rigging and I want to figure out how to make a good rig. Perhaps for what it's the standard her rig it's just "mediocre" at best but whatever! I want to be the best "Mediocre-rigger" out there!
Nevertheless I found out that this seemingly simple pose was really hard to do with my previous (Mark VIII) version! Sure, there is the base bone which changes the orientation of everything. But it lacked a secondary body orientation and rotation... It's complicated to explain to the general public... But I fixed that and now it's easy to make her rotate her body while having her feet on the ground (if you want it, that is, since now it's possible to easily change that).
Also I'm trying as best as I can to prevent any clipping on her gloves. I DO know that the best easy way to rig these things it's to just do an automatic rig on the clothes and if there is any clipping just fix it on the animation phase. But... Since I want to make it as easy to the animator as possible. I just have to at least try to fix any possible clippings.

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Visual / Digital