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Angry Liittle Shooter - controlled turntable by xaotherion

Angry Liittle Shooter - controlled turntable


Dog eat dog, come and fight
Dog eat dog, just fight or die
All you rain dogs wanna be me
But I'm the dog you can never be

As promised long ago, the turntable of yours-truly-as-a-hyena. The mane should be even longer, but technical trouble with Blender's hairflow system prevented me from changing it here.

Little did I know, when I started working on this project some 4 months ago, that this animation will describe my own stances throughout the autumn so well. Turned out to be most fitting metaphor after all.

Also, hyenas aren't dogs (duh...), but many people think they're "wild dogs" nevertheless. I've seen it written like this even in a zoo booklet once! Hence, the little quote is not as inappropriate as it seems.

The weapon used is Polish military wz.96 Beryl in 'Commando' version.

Made with Blender v2.78.

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Multimedia / Other


  • Link

    Wicked work, your turn tablets raise a bar for what I see.

    Your models are clever, a lot. With all the blender users in the fandom, you have your marbles and concepts done well and beautifully in my eyes. Wish I could say more without sounding like a rabid fan boy tak?

    • Link

      Hey, but that's OK! Everyone needs some fans, I'd say. ;) Your kind words are really appreciated.

      While I'm not doing these things for attention, I must admit here that the general low recognition I get is somewhat puzzling. Hard to even get a comment, same here and on DA.

      • Link

        That's an issue I myself have noticed, I used to upload a ton of my renders and works in the past and no one would bite or notice the. DA is a super harsh place, I recall all my still lives, studies were ignored on all levels.

        It bothers me that when I see someone who is super good at 3d on here I jump for joy but am horrified that I seem to be the only one who enjoys your talent. I'd say FA is worse too, people only care about selling out and porn.