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Ring Runner by Zaezar

Ring Runner


We just finished our adventure in the game "Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages." The premise of it is that you're a Sage with no memories. You discover over time that a Sage is a being that can control time and space based on their perception of it and the will they enact on the universe. You pilot a ship and do missions all across the universe to find the Sage that might know more about your past.

Overall, it was a fun game. However I have a couple gripes. It takes no time at all for you to get the end-game ships, meaning that there's little reason to customize your vehicle to each encounter unless you're on god-tier difficulties. We rocked a ship titled the "Squid" that used math based energy projectiles to decimate our opponents. By the end, we were super powerful but never really felt like we had achieved this status of being able to CONTROL LITERALLY THE FABRIC OF REALITY. We kinda just felt like another dude with a unique attack compared to those around us. All that aside, the vehicle combat was fun, the story was honestly good, and we had a lot of moments I appreciated. So have a space squid to honor our adventure!

The next game in our series is "Closure." A black and white title where the light you shine on the world determines what actually exists. If you're standing on a platform when the lights go out, that platform never existed and you fall through nothingness. I'm looking forwards to seeing what this little puzzle game puts us through :D

You can come watch me play that title on Monday, and watch me draw most all my art over on

Art © Zaezar

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    That's really pretty! This would make really wonderful box art for a game! :)

    Or a phone wallpaper. ;)

    • Link

      I am tempted to make the squid a sticker. Dunno what people would do with a space squid sticker but hey it seems like it would work for one at least haha

      • Link

        I think it really would look great as a sticker! I could see this as a decal in someone's car window! :)