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I'm no longer going to be active on Weasyl by archeopterix2680

This will be brief. I'm no longer going to be actively posting submissions on Weasyl and I am limiting my presence on the site. I have removed those submissions I created and will not be posting any more. I feel that the material I was posting was not the best quality and was of little interest to the community at large as it garnered few views and essentially no comments. Completely apart from that is that I have nothing new TO post. I no longer have access to my tools and equipment since I changed residences and am not able to work on my projects which is a state of affairs likely to continue indefinitely. Also, it seems none of the users I had been interacting with are active on the site any longer themselves.
If you were following me I apologize. I have not unfriended anyone or removed any of my favorites or followings however. I will continue to browse art from time to time. I apologize if this sounds like complaining; That's not the case. I just thought it would be courteous to explain to the handful of people Who had interacted with me what happened.

Thanks for understanding.

I'm no longer going to be active on Weasyl


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  • Link

    sorry to hear about that. take care!

  • Link

    Thank you. Much appreciated. As I say I'll still be 'here' technically.