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A Firey Invitation by How2101 (critique requested)

A Firey Invitation (critique requested)


You spy an odd-looking vulpix while trekking through the rubber forest late at night.

Moonlight glistens off its sleek, shiny latex skin and off the zipper on its chest. Is it ... a costume? Someone's fetish project? It looks far too small for a human to fit inside ...

Your mind seems to dwell on that thought longer than it should. A human fitting inside...
YOU fitting inside ...

What would it be like? Squeezing your legs inside, thick heavy, warm latex guiding them further inwards, deeper and deeper into the depths of the costume. Twisting and contorting, little by little, into the seemingly impossibly small space within the hind legs. The discomfort of your human limbs crammed into inhuman positions would only be there for a second, before being washed away by a sense of familiarity - no, of instinctual belonging.

The comforting warmth radiating from the latex fire-type feels increasingly tempting as you shiver in the frosty night air. Even the bundles of clothing you wore doesn't seem to be effective against the freezing gusts of wind - but perhaps the fire-type pokemon's thick, internally heated rubber coat will.

The more you stare at the rubber poke-suit, the easier it becomes to say yes. Logic and reason seem to melt away in the moment - despite all common sense, a deep internal instinct within you knows you'll fit. You'll fit perfectly.

The vulpix lets out a soft yip from its painted mouth, another impossibility that your mind ignores. All you know - all you can feel - is that the vulpix, too, wants you inside it. It's inviting you in. Inviting you to join the forest's shiny inhabitants. Inviting you to leave the cold behind, forever.

Join us.

All you need to do is walk up, unzip the zipper, and step in.

All you need to do is say yes.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital