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The Venture by Kavaeric

The Venture


When I was a boy, I had a dream
All about the things I'd like to be
Soon as I was in my bed
Music played inside my head
When I was a boy, I had a dream

I wrote a thread for those who want an explanation.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    He doesn't look very eager.

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    "We choose to do this and the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are profitable."

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      This is the description for the art.

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    On the bright side, at least tigers aren't extinct here.

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    That awkward moment when you reach your childhood dream, and realize it's not what you wanted.

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    Just a poster child for businesses. Beholden to the money. Discovery and science for a profit, exclusively.

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    "The United States of Amazon, Inc."

    I love the art, and I really appreciate you linking to the thread explaining the background for this. Very thought provoking.

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    Thank you for exploring such a weighty topic. Such... several weighty topics. This picture is deeply evocative, and you captured the mood perfectly.

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    Ah, I see the symbolism here.

    Still, let us not forget...the original Space Race of the 50s and 60s was 90% Cold War driven. America and Russia flexing. At least now with more agencies in the game and more collaboration, less conflict outside of friendly rivalry (for the most part) we can finally take that next "giant leap" as it were to Mars and beyond.

    When it comes down to it, once you're in space...petty things like politics and economics don't matter anymore, at least not for the astronauts seeing Earth as a living breathing blue marble for the first time. How we get there (as long as we take safety precautions to ensure the astronauts come back alive) doesn't matter. Who gets there first doesn't matter. What flag we plant doesn't matter. Because when even just one of ANY of us steps out of that capsule onto another world...we have ALL done it together.

    Then again maybe the tiger's apprehension isn't the "politics" of it...but realizing he's going to be spending the next several months of a tiny craft with just a handful of companions and not see Earth again for quite a while. Or that he might need to grow potatoes in his own poop. XD

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      I don't think you saw the symbolism, then

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        That the current space-race is corporate-driven? It's about mining the Moon and steroids for valuable minerals and creating advanced tech to sell to the masses? And I what? The fact of the matter is since the Apollo missions we've been puttering around low-Earth orbit doing virtually jack-all because there was no incentive for governments to invest the billions of dollars needed to fund more manned space missions, but then here comes Elon Musk with a few billion dollars and a dream of a city on Mars and offers up new tech that gets stuff into space at a tenth of the cost.

        Plus at least we don't have to worry all that much about Elon and Bezos launching nuclear warheads at each other and ending humanity...even if Elon did want to try nuking Mars's polar icecaps to terraform it only to have his scientific advisors remind him that would be a very, very, VERY bad idea. XD

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    Back in the days when humanity went to space because it was there, because we thought we could learn something new, because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we could. That was true inspiration.
    Now we go because some people have dollar signs in their eyes... :/