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Writer, coffee-lover, art addict, and occasionally evil butler.

My written work ranges from lightly comedic erotica to dark science fiction horror. I like exploring what it means to be anthropomorphic and my erotica often delves into different aspects of what sexuality means to me.

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Getting to Know Me

Even though the population following this profile is fairly low, I decided to go ahead and put something down just in case some rando decides to check out every facet of my account here. The more the better, right? So, without further ado, a short summary of me.

What's your real name: I'd prefer not to go into it.

How tall are you?: 5'9"

Natural hair color: Brown. Just normal brown.

Eye color: Greyish Green

Orientation: Gay

Single, Taken, etc: Single

Interests: Listening to music, watching movies and shows, reading, writing, role-playing, and other typical introverted stuff.

Occupation: Full-time student, currently. I'd like to go into a scientific field in the future.

What do you like about yourself?: I'm generally happy and optimistic, I have a thick skin but I have empathy for others, I have a sense of humor, I feel like I'm intelligent, and lastly I have average looks.

What do you not like about yourself?: I speak too quickly sometimes, I don't always think things through, I procrastinate like none other, and I can be too focused on a single subject.

What do people often notice first about you?: My happy disposition and my passion for my interests

Religion: I'm currently an atheist.

Do you drink: Too often

Do you smoke: Yes, but I have quit as of a couple weeks ago.

Major fears: Being alone/losing everyone close to me, being a failure, people I don't know or understand.

Dreams or Goals: I'd love to release a novel at some point with no fetishy material in it.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?: I've had my fair share of crushes. I have a few exes. I do not have any crushes on exes.

Best bud: Too many to count. Most of which aren't on this site. But, I think Nerdywolf is a pretty cool guy.

Favorite Dish: Breakfast sandwiches. Especially bacon, egg, and cheese on an english muffin.

Favorite Drink: Celebrator Dopplebock

Favorite Color: Dark purple/Indigo

Superpower: flexible bone structure

Favorite Movie: Pixar's UP!

Least Favorite Food: Green Peas.

Last meal you want before you die: A full breakfast with some coffee

Most disliked bug: House flies.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most: Snoring gets on my nerves too quickly.

What do you dislike in life: The negative side effects for prescribed medicine, cold weather makes your balls and dick shrink, and ignorant people all infuriate me.

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    Really loving the look and feel of your sona. Super fun! :)

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    Thanks for the watch!

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    Thank you for the follow! uwu