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In 10 songs - Who are you?

This is intended as a way for people to share songs in a more thoughtful way, feel free to steal if you want! If you prefer, participate in the comments. :)

Pick 10 songs you like that tell us something about you. Write a bit about why you like it and what part of you it represents.
This is not about lyrics or titles only, it can very well be based on a song's general feeling. Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster!

I don't have to remind you that picking a varied set of songs makes this more fun to everyone who is going to listen, right? :)
Here we go!

01 -
This is what I do ALL DAY LONG, if you ever wondered!

02 -
This song, on the other hand, paints a better representation of who am I. Yup. Pretty accurate.

03 -
Have you evern fallen in love really bad? I haven't, but I figure it would feel somewhat like this!

04 -
On the other hand, I had to reject a few people... and this song is a spot-on description of it. It somewhat hurts not being hurt like the person you're hurting, I guess.

05 -
This is what I think people think of me after they've known me for enough time.

06 -
Makes me think of childhood, even though I haven't played the game. Perfect peace of mind. This reminds me of cloudy days, under the rain, with a blanket, laying on the sofa, no school today. Everything is silence. I could live forever staring at the beautiful grayness of the weather.

07 -
This song represents my joy for life. Can anything get any happier than this?

08 -
This is what I think about death. Very grave, solemn, quiet. The last spark. In this case, the lyrics help, too.

09 -
This song helps to remind me humanity is not all bad. I don't particularly get the song's meaning, but the visual landscape that comes to mind is that of a simple rural life, where everyone look after each other. A caring people.

10 -
This song makes me think of how life is beautiful, yet sad. Something that we don't quite control, but we nevertheless try to the very end. And it WILL end. Not only for me, but for everyone. Isn't that... beautifully sad? Who is going to be the last person standing? What will he feel? This, probably. A nice song to close this journal.

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  • Link

    Heya! A thought on a lot of your music, it often seems to kind of drift off at the end, and while none of it sounds bad or wrong (esp. because electronic music should do exactly that so it can mix well!) I suggest studying up on cadences, organ points, final loops, and other good "I'm done now" markers for music. I hope you don't think I'm saying your bad at this, btw. You're quite good, it's just a thought.

    • Link

      Oh no, I know you're saying that to help, and I'm always thankful for feedback.
      I'm always looking for some people to talk about music theory, may I add you on that Skype ID of yours? O:

      • Link

        Please feel free!

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    • Link

      Thanks, dude. <3

  • Link

    Allo ...?

  • Link

    Thanks a lot for the watch. Deeply appreciated.

  • Link

    First shout. <3