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Moving from dA and consolidating my old and new FA accounts onto a new website.
You better be saying my tagline like an old man.

"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child."
- Pablo Picasso

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
- Cyril Connolly

Hi, I'm just some dude on the internet that draws stuff. I like science, math, nature, video games, exercise and accumulating trivia. I like to draw in a myriad of ways and I find it hard to focus on just one style.

I have a lot of characters.

Whoa! Whatever else you want, baby!


Fur Affinity

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Art Fight + ToyHouse

Edit Edit: I have updated these two profiles to where I want them to be for now concerning specifically Art Fight. Yay! I'll probably fiddle with Toy House a bit more over the coming months (I really need to get all of the After Earth characters up there) but otherwise, all the pertinent information (sans JC's description but that's easy enough to finish soonish) for the 5 characters listed on my Art Fight profile are completed.

I have finally joined Art Fight! I've wanted to for years but I'm very shy lol
However, I have finally taken the plunge so to speak. Yay! :)

Link here:

Nothing really happening over there yet but I'll get it looking semi-decent by the end of May. Just got a lot of miscellaneous RL stuff to get to first.

Edit: I also got off my aft end and updated my ToyHouse after... 3 years of it being a blank profile. Oops. Well, better late than never!

Link here:

View This Journal and 3 Comments


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    Hi, thank you for the fav! Hope U liked my other art too. Stop by again sometime. Have a great day!🌸

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    thank you so much for faving and following me <3

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    jus came to say that I really appreciate the fave and the follow and I hope you enjoy what I create! ^-^

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    Thanks for the watch!